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- Slave Zero(tm) README.TXT
- January 4, 1999
- (c)1998, 1999 Accolade, Inc. All rights reserved.
- This Software is a pre-alpha demo of Slave Zero,TM
- using the Ecstasy EngineTM. The Software is provided
- under license by Accolade for demonstration purposes only
- and may not be copied, distributed, transferred or sold
- in any manner. The Software is provided "AS IS" and without
- any warranty of any kind, and Accolade retains all
- ownership, right, title, and interest in and to the
- Software, including the Ecstasy EngineTM.
- Slave Zero is currently scheduled for release in Spring Æ99
- Table of Contents
- 1. System Requirements
- 2. Game Options
- 3. Sound/Video
- 4. Known Problems
- 5. Contacting Customer Support
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- Microsoft Windows(r) 95 or 98.
- Microsoft DirectX 6 Compatible video and sound card
- Microsoft DirectX 6 available from microsoft at
- http://www.microsoft.com/directx/default.asp
- Approximately 80MB of available hard drive space is required.
- 24 MB of RAM
- 3D accelerator card w/ the latest DX6 compatible drivers
- This demo only represents a small portion of the final product.
- The demo has a sample mission which contains a few weapons and a few enemies.
- The final game will include intense multiplayer action, mammoth bosses, greater
- functionality and of course more missions and a lower minimum system requirement
- This version has not been optimized and requires a PII 266 or equivalent
- to function acceptably.
- Technical support questions should be directed to the Accolade tech. support
- department. Contact information is at the end of this readme.
- For updates, patches, and more information please see
- the Slave Zero web site: www.slavezero.com
- Questions and comments are welcome and can be directed to: slavezero@accolade.com
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- The Slave Zero demo defaults to run in low resolution (640x480).
- If your video card supports higher resolutions, then you can change
- the resolution of the demo. You can change the resolution in the
- Graphics and Sound option in the Main Menu.
- If you change the resolution and the card does not support it, then
- the demo will either error out or crash altogether. If this occurs, change
- the resolution back to low-res (640x480).
- A usual error in this situation is, "Renderer did not init." If this occurs,
- change your resolution to 640x480. If that does not fix the problem, then
- you may be using incorrect drivers for your 3D card (contact the card
- manufacturer).
- If the front end application does not offer a resolution your card supports
- than you can change the resolution yourself in the SZOptions.INI file. If
- you experience problems then set the resolution back to its default (640x480).
- If your game is especially dark or bright then you can adjust the gamma.
- The gamma can be changed in the front-end installer.
- Gamma does not work for all 3D cards. If you experience problems changing
- your gamma please make sure you have the latest drivers for your 3D video
- card.
- Multiplayer is not available in this demo. Later demos and the
- final product will support multiplayer.
- All the user modifiable options are available in the demo front-end
- application. The controls, gamma, resolution, etc can all be changed
- in this application.
- The following is a copy of the SZOptions.ini file with descriptions of what
- each area effects. Changes to the demo can be made here:
- [Settings]
- Version=9
- Level Bin Name=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\Data\mission01_demo.bin
- Gallery Bin Name=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\Data\Gallery.bin
- Splashscreen Bin Name=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\Data\splashScreen.bin
- Texture Bin Name=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\Data\textures16Bit.bin
- Audio Bin Name=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\Data\audio.bin
- Change the following "3Dfx" to "D3D" to force the demo
- to run the D3D version.
- Renderer DLL=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\3Dfx.dll
- Script Directory Name=C:\Program Files\Accolade\Slave Zero\Scripts
- Audio On=1 Turn audio on or off
- Gamma=1.800000 Change the gamma
- Invert Mouse=0 Invert mouse
- Mouse Sensitivity=1 Change the mouse sensitivity
- Start CD Track=-1 Change this number to play a music CD during the demo.
- [Video]
- Screen Width=640 These numbers affect the resolution
- Screen Height=480
- Bits Per Pixel=16 Certain cards support higher bit depths
- Triple Buffer=0 Triple buffering is available on some 3D cards
- Trilinear Filtering=0 Trilinear filtering is available on some 3D cards
- Windowed Mode=0 Allows the game to be run in a window
- D3D Display Driver=Primary Display Driver
- D3D Level Post Fix=_d3d These options are for the d3d version
- D3D Texture Post Fix=_d3d
- Force Two Pass Rendering=0
- [Controls]
- FIRE1= LEFT_MOUSE Hand weapon
- FIRE2= RIGHT_MOUSE Shoulder weapon
- FLY_MOVE_FORWARD= LEFT_MOUSE Only available in "fly-mode" (a debug option)
- AIM= Q Allows a torso twist (fire and walk different directions)
- INVENTORY= I Not available in the demo
- YAW= Joystick is not supported in this demo
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- The Slave Zero demo supports Creative Labs Live!
- If you have this audio card than you will get some
- additional audio features. However, these extra features
- could cause problems with the audio. If you are hearing
- massive audio drop out, or static in the audio, get the latest
- Sound Blaster Live! Drivers from the Creative web site.
- If the problem persists, disable this feature by editing the
- "\install_path\scripts\audio.ini" file. Under the [Audio Manager]
- section, change the "Use Hardware" key to equal 0. This will
- disable your hardware and fix the problem. By doing this you will
- also lose all reverb that was set in the level and you will lose
- true 3d audio.
- In order to get the EAX to work you may need to access your AudioHQ.
- If you have the Sound Blaster Live! installed but are not hearing the reverb
- effects follow these instructions:
- If AudioHQ is set to "Normal Multi-Speaker" or "Two-Speaker Legacy Audio"
- then there may be NO EAX reverb heard in the game.
- In this situtaion, if "No Effects" or any other effects setting is used,
- the reverb should work as promised.
- You can listen to your favorite CD music while playing Slave Zero. Place
- your music CD in the CD drive. Change the "Start CD Track" line in
- the SZOptions.INI file to equal the track you wish the game to play.
- Example, "Start CD Track=2" will play track 2 of the CD. While playing
- Slave Zero the CD track you selected will play.
- The CD you installed Slave Zero from may have a music track on it. Try tracks
- "1" and/or track "2". The final version of Slave Zero will have many tracks
- of original music.
- Slave Zero is a 3D hardware required game.
- This demo version supports most available 3D accelerators.
- If you experience problems:
- 1. Make sure you have the latest drivers from the card manufacturer.
- 2. Verify you are running the demo in an
- acceptable resolution (try the lowest resolution first)
- Some 3D cards do not support all the features of this demo.
- You will get varied results on different 3D cards.
- If you have an older 3D card the Slave Zero demo may not function at all.
- The final version of Slave Zero will support more 3D cards and with more features.
- To run Slave Zero with Glide (on a 3Dfx card) you need to have
- version 3.x of the Glide drivers. These drivers should be available from 3Dfx or from your card manufacturer.
- If you cannot get the latest Glide drivers then you can run the
- D3D version of Slave Zero on a 3Dfx card. To do this edit the szOptions.ini
- file located in the root install directory. Under the [Video] section
- change the "D3D Level Post Fix" key from "_d3d" to "_3dfx" and change
- the "D3D Texture Post Fix" from "_d3d" to "_3dfx". Then, under the
- [Settings] section, change the "Renderer DLL" key from "\install_path\3dfx.dll"
- to "\install_path\d3d.dll". Make sure windowed mode is set to 0, triple
- buffering is set to 0, and tri-linear filtering is also set to 0.
- These are the defaults, but if you've changed them, the d3d renderer
- will not initialize on Voodoo1 and Voodoo2 cards. Save your changes.
- At this point you'll need to re-launch the front-end so that you can
- select the voodoo based display driver.
- If you have a voodoo1 card then you cannot run the demo in any resolution
- higher than 640x480. Though you maybe able to select a higher
- resolution, this will cause the game to crash.
- Matrox G200
- The Matrox G200 is the only card currently available that can
- run with tri-linear filtering on effectively. If you have this card,
- it is recommended that you set tri-linear filtering on in the
- szOptions.ini file. Setting tri-linear filtering on for other cards
- may cause huge performance losses or graphics display problems.
- Do so at your own risk.
- ATI Rage Pro
- The ATI Rage Pro is a board that does not support all the advanced
- rendering modes we need to give you the highest graphics quality for
- SlaveZero. If you have this board or a board with similar limitations,
- some effects will not draw correctly, and some have been disabled altogether.
- 3dfx Voodoo1 and Voodoo2
- If you are using a Voodoo based 3d accelerator we strongly recommend
- using the 3dfx rendering dll we've provided. Using the d3d renderer
- on these cards will cause a significant performance loss versus the
- glide counterpart. Download the latest glide3x drivers from your board
- manufacturers web site. If you still want to use the d3d renderer,
- see the above section on how to set it up.
- S3 Savage
- You may experience "tearing" if using a S3 Savage card. This may be
- fixed by a change in the SZOptions.INI file. Change the line,
- "Triple Buffer=0" to "Triple Buffer=1". If that does not fix the problem
- then verify you have the latest drivers for your video card.
- When tripple buffering is on you will not be able to run in the higher
- resolutions. If you have problems, set your resolution lower.
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- It is possible for the demo to start in the wrong camera mode. If the camera is
- not located behind the player (and attached to the player) then you are in the
- wrong camera mode. You can toggle camera modes by hitting <7>. If the game starts
- in the wrong mode you should be able to correct by hitting the number <7> once.
- If you are experiencing some slowness at the start of the game then quit and restart.
- Immediately run the demo again. There is some slowdown due to texture loading
- the first time you run the demo.
- Windowed mode for the d3d renderers is really only a debug feature.
- Use it at your own risk. The final product will probably
- not have this option available.
- Manually changing any of the video options could cause the renderer
- to either not initialize properly, to render the scene incorrectly,
- or cause drastic performance losses. Be careful if you choose to play
- around with them and if some setting you change does cause problems,
- simply set it back to what it was. The defaults we've provided should
- work on most video cards.
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- You can ask for help with your Accolade game by reaching us by Phone, Fax,
- Online and Mail:
- Accolade can help you by phone between the following hours:
- Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm PST and
- Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm PST
- (408) 296-8400
- website: http://www.accolade.com
- email: techelp@accolade.com
- Faxes may be sent anytime to: (408) 246-0231
- Accolade Tech Support
- 5300 Stevens Creek Blvd.
- Suite 500
- San Jose, CA 95129
- 3DFX is Copyright ⌐ 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
- The 3Dfx Interactive logo, Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush are trademarks of
- 3Dfx Interactive.
- Slave ZeroTM is trademarked and property of Accolade, Inc.
- Ecstasy EngineTM is trademarked and property of Accolade, Inc.
- Thanks for playing the Slave Zero pre-alpha demo.